Page 77 - Breath of the Bear
P. 77

Take a look at the posturing of
                                                                                           this bear before she charged me,
                                                                                           which is a good representation
                                                                                           of a bear in a defensive mode.

          Nothing  will  guarantee  your  safety  in  bear   shouldn’t be messed with.  noise while not taking our eyes off of the area,
        country,  but  knowledge  of  bears  and  proper   Predatory              quickly retreated back to camp.
        behavior  greatly  reduce  your  risk.  Most  bears   A bear is in a predatory mode if his ears are   If Mama Ain’t Happy, No One Is Happy
        tend to be wary of humans and often will do   straight up, eyes locked on you and not looking   There  is  a  reason  that  a  woman  protecting
        anything to avoid them. Please remember   away, head down while advancing towards   her children is sometimes called a “mama bear“
        that seeing a bear is a thrilling and rewarding   you. This is the time that you must respond in   because nothing is more fierce than this animal
        experience.  The  presence  of  bears  is  not   an aggressive, dominant manner because your   protecting her cubs. She will often fight a male
        necessarily a problem or a threat to your safety.   life depends on it. Yell in a very deep and very   bear hundreds of pounds heavier in defense of
        However, it is important to remember that bears   loud voice. Show that you are the dominant   her young. Special precaution should be taken
        are wild animals and deserve our respect.  one.  Wave  sticks,  beat  on  a  pot,  throw  rocks   when stumbling upon her and you should back
          If  you’re  on  the  trail  and  see  a  bear  that  is   and find a way to get out of there as quickly as   away  quickly  and  as  reverently  as  possible
        far away or he doesn’t see you, turn around and   possible,  without  running.  Firearms  are  a  very   without challenging her.
        go back or circle far around. Don’t disturb it.   last  resort.    A  .44-Magnum  handgun  may  be   Playing Dead
        If a bear is charging, remember that almost all   inadequate to stop a bear. A .300-Magnum rifle   You’ve  probably  heard  about  playing  dead,
        charges are a bluff. NEVER RUN!      or 12-guage shotgun with rifled slugs are better   that you should lie down on the ground and put
          Backpackers in the wilderness of Alaska often   in experienced hands.   your hands over your head, but most research
        carry  bear  spray,  a  boat  horn  or  cow  bell  for   Charge It!       has determined that this is not the correct
        noise as a loud, unusual noise can deter a bear.   I  have  been  charged  twice  by  the  same   response. If a bear takes you down, fight with
        Any bear deterrents you have should be carried   bear and I can tell you that there is absolutely   everything you have. The eyes and nose of the
        in your front pockets because you may not have   nothing more terrifying. Your heart leaps, your   bear are the most sensitive parts. Use what you
        time  to  reach  around  into  your  backpack  and   senses  go  into  overdrive,  birds  stop  chirping   have to go for those areas. Bears don’t expect
        get them out. Don’t spray into the wind or any   and the oceans cease their tidal movement as   their prey to fight back, so this may startle them
        enclosed  space.  When  hiking,  avoid  passing   a 700-pound bear is coming towards you. Our   enough to determine that you are just going
        through thick brush or any area with animal   expert  guide  threw  out  his  arms  and  yelled   to be too much work. The only situation where
        carcasses or scavengers, and keep the wind at   “stop”  at  the  bear  along  with  some  other   playing  dead  might  be  effective  is  if  a  mama
        your back when possible.             language. Being shocked at such bold behavior,   bear  has taken  you down,  because  then you
          Highway Bear Safety                the bear stopped in her tracks and slinked off   want to show her that you are not a threat to her
          If you see a bear while driving, check for traffic   while giving us the stink eye.   cubs. If you are knocked down by a bear, roll up
        before stopping. Ensure you slow down and pull   Luckily  most  charges  are  bluff  charges.  The   into a tight ball on your side and put your hands
        over only when and where it’s safe. Don’t stop in   bear is showing dominance and you are being   around the back of your neck. Do what you can
        the middle of the road, or close to a hill or curve.   challenged. This is a challenge you must accept   to protect your spine and neck.
        Avoid creating a “bear jam” by staying in your   by standing your ground and being assertive.   The Moody Teenager
        vehicle. Remain a respectful distance from the   Yell  deeply,  wave  your  arms,  stomp  your  feet,   Juvenile  delinquents,  whether  human  or
        bear,  and  under  no  circumstances  attempt  to   make noise, but do not run and do not scream.   animals, can be trouble makers. Maybe they left
        approach or communicate with the bear. Do not   High  pitched  screams  sound  like  an  injured   the den too soon or their mother was killed or
        take bear selfies, use your zoom lens instead.   animal  and  can  trigger  the  predator/prey   they  are  just  up  to  no  good,  but  after  mamas
          Camp Safety                        response, you will then have a good chance of   with cubs, these are the ones you need to watch
          Keep  your  camp  spotless  and  never  close   being chased and you cannot outrun a bear. If   out for as their behavior can be moody and
        to a trail that bears might utilize.  Cook as far   you are in a group, stand next to each other in a   unpredictable, as was the case with the bear that
        from your site as possible and avoid smelly or   line so you look large and intimidating.  charged my daughter and me.
        greasy foods, then thoroughly burn all food   When using the outdoor facilities one   Disclaimer:
        waste. Store everything in trees or bear-resistant   morning (big euphemism there) I was dragging   The  opinions  expressed  here  are  from  our
        containers.  Keep food smells off your clothing.   a shovel along a rocky path which was causing   own  experiences  along  with  research  we
        Pets, their  food, toiletries  and even gasoline   a  very  audible  scraping  noise.  Upon  turning  a   have conducted. In no way should this be the
        can attract hungry bears. Stop fishing if a bear   bend  my  daughter  said  very  calmly,  “Mom,   definitive  report  on  bear  interactions  or  bear
        approaches, and if you have a fish on the line,   bear.” I looked up and maybe ten feet from us   safety. Sometimes one can follow all the right
        give it a lot of slack or cut it. Don’t be the person   was a huge male brown bear. The sound of the   “rules”  and  things  still  go  wrong.  While  rare,
        to teach a bear that humans also can catch a   shovel must have put him on alert but when he   there are bear attacks every year that sometimes
        fish!                                saw us he looked as surprised as we did, and   result in injury. Each bear experience is unique
          Good Posture, Bad Posture – First Sighting  if we weren’t so shocked, his look would have   and unpredictable so extreme caution should be
          When a bear spots you, it may stand on its   been comical.  We all stared at each other for a   used when choosing to hike or camp outdoors.
        back  legs  to  get  a  better  picture  of  what  you   moment then thankfully, he turned around and   The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has
        are.  Speaking  calmly  and  slowly  waving  your   left  and  we,  clapping  our  hands  and  making   also provided useful bear safety tips.
        arms in the air may help satisfy its curiosity. If
        it starts to follow as you slowly move off, stand
        your ground.                           photo by Isaac Stern
          Ears  back,  huffing,  swatting  at  the  ground,
        looking  at  you  then  away,  moving around or
        showing you how big he is, indicates that the
        bear is defensive and warning you that you are
        in his space. Take the hint and leave the area
        by showing strength while retreating. This is
        done  by  clapping  your  hands,  slapping  your
        thighs and stomping your feet at the same time
        you  are  backing  away,  all  the  while  keeping
        your  eyes  focused  on  the  bear’s  behavior.  In
        bear language you are yielding the ground to
        him while at the same time showing him you

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