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Dog Sled Races

Matt was born in Massachusetts and moved west to pursue has passion for the outdoors. He worked in Wyoming for three years as a river fishing guide during the summer and a dog sled tour guide in the winter. In 1993 he began mushing for personal reasons and soon set his sights on the Iditarod, moving to Alaska to work with Iditarod champion Martin Buser. Matt has been running dogs ever since and has raced in the Iditarod six times, finishing 21st in the 2010 race. Matt’s wife, children and dogs live and train in Talkeetna, Alaska. Matt would like you to meet his team of Iditarod Sled Dogs for the 2010 Iditarod
Tucker: Tucker has a gentle soul. With the flexibility to run anywhere in the team, Matt often calls him Utility Dog. Tucker”s lineage can be traced back 60 years to a purebred Irish setter.
Nemo: Like most Pisces, Nemo “goes with the flow and doesn’t make waves.” Unlike his namesake from the movie “Finding Nemo” this lovable dog hates water and avoids getting wet at all costs.  When needed, Nemo can run lead. Although he is neutered, he still has a way with the ladies.
Surf: Surf is a rescue dog. When another musher fell on hard times, Matt was able to integrate Surf into his kennel and team. His bubbly, vivacious behavior makes Surf a crowd favorite. With an interesting past and a good attitude we can’t wait to see what his career will hold.
Whiskey Assassin: Whiskey is an incredibly fast dog and sets a good pace as a main leader on the team. She led the team through a whiteout blizzard in the 2010 Iditarod on Rainy Pass. Whiskey doesn’t mind an evening relaxing on the couch watching TV with the family.
High Noon: High Noon surprised even Matt on the 2010 Iditarod with her gusto and intelligence in lead. At a mere four years old, this striking black dog is already Matt’s best leader. She is a great eater, smart leader and has a wonderful attitude: everything that defines a super dog.
Double Time: This beautiful beast of burden gets along with just about every dog in the team, but at heart Double Time is an independent, free spirit. On walks, Double Time can be found smelling and digging up flowers. She is an invaluable dog in that she has finished every race started.

Seventh Gear: As a main leader of the team, Seventh Gear knows how to take charge. Although he is big and has a rough gait, he has finished 3 Iditarods. Whenever the team is stopped he will continue to bark until the brakes are released and the team is on their way again.

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