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Location: Anderson is a small town, six miles west of Milepost 283.5 on George Parks Highway 3.

The city's Riverside Park offers a perfect spot for relaxed camping and a chance to savor Alaska off the beaten track.

Anderson is a child of the cold war, a community willed into existence in 1960, when construction of nearby Clear Air Force Station began. This missile detection site was the US military's response to the former Soviet Union's successful launching of Sputnik in 1958.

Visitors should drive through the town on the main street. The road to the left leads to a pavilion site with electrical plug-ins, flush toilets, token-operated showers and several groomed campsites among large trees. A shooting range is located at the end of the road.

Rafting and canoeing the river are popular activities. Canada geese visit in May. Wildflowers bloom everywhere in June and July; blueberries appear in late July and August, followed by cranberries.

A country and bluegrass music festival is held annually the last weekend of July. The visual arts are also represented in Anderson.

Anderson also has a restaurant and bar, a small grocery store with gas and a post office.

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