Location: 2 miles north of Palmer on the Glenn Highway 1 then turn west on Fish Hook Road.
With the discovery of gold at the turn of the century, gold seekers began to settle in the Hatcher Pass area. Although mining hit its peak between 1900 and 1940, present day mining still exists. This area is a year-round favorite spot for recreationists.
Winter enthusiasts can cross country and downhill ski and snowmobile. Summer visitors can go hiking, parasailing, kayaking, fishing, hunting, rock climbing, berry picking, horseback riding and hang gliding.
Recreational gold panning is also a popular attraction in this area. Independence Mine State Historic Park is an old gold mine preserved by the state. The park has many old buildings with guided and self guided tours.
Visitors should make a point to take the Hatcher Pass Scenic Drive, a drive of wonderful vistas, tundra wildflowers and wildlife.