Page 11 - Breath of the Bear
P. 11

Shayne McGuire

                 Graham Dickson                                         Dave Briggs

        Churchill every year to view and photograph   home  to  many  Inuit  artists,  filmmakers  and   of their boats as the bears swim in the Arctic
        these magnificent creatures in the wild. Prime   musicians. People of this area love to venture   waters. During the  winter months there are
        viewing time is in October and November   out on the sea and ice at all times during the   many opportunities to see them on the snowy
        when the bears are on the move from the   year for many types of outdoor activities,   tundra as they make their annual migration.
        summer habitat back to the seal hunting   including dog sledding, skiing, snowmobiling,
        grounds. There are local tundra vehicles that   boating, rafting and fishing. Beluga, bowhead   When deciding to  view polar bears in
        make it possible to view the bears in a safe   and narwhal  whales call this area home, as   their natural settings, it is best to choose
        manner.  These  unique  vehicles  sit  up  very   well as caribou, muskox, seals and polar   an  experienced  guide.  As  fluffy  and  cute
        high and are designed to carry passengers   bears.  There are numerous hotels, lodges   as  polar  bears  seem  to  be,  they  are  fierce
        smoothly over snow and ice, protecting the   and bed & breakfast accommodations.  The   and dangerous and should be treated  with
        occupants from hungry bears. There is also a   Arctic  Kingdom is  a tour company that  has   respect from a safe distance. A hungry bear is
        wilderness lodge built on the bears’ migration   specialized in polar bear viewing for over 20   a dangerous bear and the protocols that work
        route and guided bear walks.         years. With their operators you will be able to   with other bears don’t necessarily work with
                                             view polar bears in their natural setting every   polar bears as they have no fear of humans.
          Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada           season of the year. In March and April you will   That is what makes them the lord of the Arctic.
          Iqaluit is the capital city of the Canadian   have the chance to spot bears on the ground   See the travel directory for recommended
        territory of Nunavut, which means “the place   as they roam the sea ice. In May and June polar   bear-viewing operators
        of  many  fish.”  It  is  known  for  its  vast  tundra   bears can be viewed at the floe edge, and in
        and soaring ice-capped mountains. It is   the summer guests can view them from one

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