Location: Milepost 1016 on Alaska Highway 1, at the junction with Haines Road Hwy 3 to Haines, Alaska; 160 km (97 miles) from Whitehorse. Population: approximately 800. Visitor Information: Parks Canada’s Kluane National Park Visitor Centre and Yukon Government’s Visitor Information Centre in the Da Kų Cultural Centre. Phone: (867) 634-7207. Municipal Offices: St. Elias Convention Centre, Box 5339, Haines Junction, YT Y0B 1L0; Phone: (867) 634-7100; Email: vhj@northwestel.net
Haines Junction is nestled at the base of the towering St. Elias Mountains in the Shakwak Valley near scenic Kluane National Park. Wilderness recreation includes river rafting, canoeing, glacier flights, hunting, fishing guides, horse rental and bicycle tours.
This bustling community had its beginnings in 1942 with the construction of the Alaska Highway. Situated at the junction of Haines Road and the Alaska Highway, it was to become an important supply and service center for construction workers. Today a variety of excellent restaurants, motels and lodges and auto repair services are available. There is also a modern recreation complex with an indoor heated swimming pool, showers, curling rink, hockey arena, baseball and softball diamonds and playground.
Tourists should stop at the outstanding Kluane Visitor Reception Center for information and to view the audio visual presentation about Kluane. The park is a vast rugged wilderness composed of lofty mountains and massive seas of ice. In recognition of its unique features, Kluane was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
View Canada’s highest peak (Mount Logan) and the world’s most extensive nonpolar ice fields within Kluane by helicopter. Flightseeing services are readily available in the area around the park and Haines Junction. Mountain climbing and river rafting on the Tatshenshini and Alsek Rivers are very popular, and miles of hiking trails for all levels of experience run throughout the park, some of which are overnight; hikers must register with a park warden for these.
Guided hikes through Kluane National Park are also available during the summer months. Because Kluane was established as a wilderness park, there are no major roads into the area and only basic facilities, including an unserviced campground at Kathleen Lake.
Special Events:
· Alcan 200 Snowmachine Race
· Old Timer’s Hockey Tournament
· Female Hockey Jamboree
· St. Elias Lion’s Club Annual Sweetheart Bonspiel
· Silver Sled Dog Sled Races
· Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival
· St. Elias Lion’s Club Annual Jorg Schneider Memorial Poker Run
· Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay
· Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival
· Canada Day Celebrations
· Hallowe’en Bonfire and Fireworks
· Christmas Craft Sale
· Skate with Santa
· Homecoming Hockey Tournament