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Burns Lake BC Peace River Alberta Peace River Alberta
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Yellowhead Hwy 16; 141 miles west of Prince George. Population: 2,523. Area Population; 28,000. Elevation: 2,300 feet (707 m). Visitor Information Centre: 540 Hwy 16 W; Chamber of Commerce: Burns Lake Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 339, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0; Phone (250) 692-3701; Email: info@burnslakechamber.com.s
Burns Lake BC


Burns Lake is situated in the heart of the Lakes District and is halfway between Prince Rupert and the Alberta border. Located on a high plateau that divides the Fraser River (running east) from the Skeena River water shed (flowing to the west), the town’s crooked main street on the Yellowhead Hwy meanders just like the rivers in the region. Burns Lake has gas stations, sani-dump, motel/hotel, bed and breakfast accommodations and a host of retail businesses throughout the area.


With 3,000 miles of fresh water fishing and small family owned campgrounds and fishing resorts, the area allows for quality vacation experiences. The Lakes District is becoming a popular area for rock hounds. Free overnight camping is available in the municipal campground at Radley Beach Park in Burns Lake. Located on Hwy 35, just two blocks off Hwy 16, this campground is adjacent to the rotary Skateboard Park (considered to be a classic in design), and features washrooms, picnic tables, swings for the children, and dry camping is free of charge.


SPECIAL EVENTS Lady’s Bonspiel: January Men’s Bonspiel: February Lakes District Festival of Performing Arts: April Lakes District Kennel Club Dog Show & Trails: May May Pole Dance: May Burns Lake Rodeo: June Aboriginal Days Celebration: June Lakes District Fall Fair: August Burns Lake Chamber Golf Tournament: Sept. Rotary Club Auction: November

Peace River AlbertaPeace River Alberta
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