On the Nisga’a Highway; turn west off Stewart-Cassiar Hwy 37 at Cranberry Junction kilometer marker 76, for approximately 37 miles; an alternate route begins 2 miles west of the Terrace Information Center on Hwy 16, north along the Kalum Lake Road for 48 miles. Tourist Information: New Aiyansh Village Government, PO Box 233 New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0; Phone: (250) 633-3100; Email: navq@osg.net
The Nisga’a community of New Aiyansh is located 37 miles down this southwesterly running paved road, which follows the Nass River through a valley of lava beds, created in Canada’s most recent volcanic eruption. In 1750, lava erupted from a 328-foot high cinder cone and flowed into the Nass Valley, pushing the river aside and destroying native villages. The Nisga’a Memorial Lava Bed Provincial Park surrounds and protects this unique site, where visitors may explore two large lava tubes and hike to the petroglyphs carved on cliffs above the unusual red sand beaches of Lava Lake. Lodging is available within the community.
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