Location: Graham Island at the entrance to Bearskin Bay on Skidegate Inlet. Population: 723.
Skidegate is a village where surviving Haida gathered from many abandoned villages on the island. There are people from Kaisun, Chaatl Ninstints, Tanu, Cumchewa, Skedans, Naikoon, Siscwai and Yakoun. The Skidegate Band office is built after the form of a traditional longhouse as is the museum, which presents many pieces of Haida art, as well as changes to the lands of Haida Gwaii since it was discovered by non-native peoples.
Business in Skidegate consist of the only 1-hour photo shop on the island as well as a large grocery store, laundromat, coffee shop, gas station, gift shop and fast food outlet. Haida arts are readily available from local artists, and in June watch for Skidegate days with fish splitting, canoe races, kids games and other sports to end with a salmon barbecue and a dance.