Location: On Highway 23, midway (one hour) between Lethbridge and Calgary. Population: 1,917. Visitor Information: Vulcan Tourism and Trek Station, 115 Centre Street East, Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0; Phone: (403) 485-2994; Email: info@vulcantourism.com; Website: www.vulcantourism.com
Although Vulcan was named by a railway surveyor in 1910 after the Roman god of fire, with original streets designating other gods and goddesses of the classical world, the town’s name has inspired tourism interest for many years because it is also the same as Spock’s home world in Star Trek. Capitalizing on this coincidence, Vulcan has built a wonderful 3000-square foot Star Trek–themed tourist station, which in addition to providing tourism information about the area, also has a large display of Star Trek memorabilia and offers unique photo opportunities in costume on the starship bridge with life-size character cutouts. The Galaxy Gift Shop carries a fun array of collectibles, including Spock ears. Nearby, a 31-foot long replica of the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek V, mounted on a pedestal with greeting plaques in English, Klingon and Vulcan is a must see for any Star Trek fan. Downtown, check out Spock/Leonard Nimoy’s bronze bust and handprint memorial, and the many fun space-themed murals and signs. Vulcan holds an annual Spock Days festival in June and the deluxe Sci-fi convention Vul-Con in July, attracting hundreds of fans from around the world (as well as Star Trek actors and authors).